Wine With Friends Quiz

Wine With Friends Quiz

What kind of friend are you? Wine with Friends is a new social wine app featuring an innovative flavor wheel that allows users to easily describe each unique aspect of a wine they taste.  To launch this new app we were tasked with developing a fun and engaging viral social marketing campaign both on the web and in-person.

Our Impact

Metacake created a quick and engaging psychological quiz that determines your wine personality type.  This quiz is both highly scientific and incredibly fun.  Based on your answers to a few behavioral questions, it determines, with extreme accuracy, what type of friend you are.   Are you the tipsy friend?  The bubbly friend?  Or are you one of the snobby, pushy, or bold friends?  Want to find out your wine-friend type?

When you complete the quiz, we send you a sticker so that you can proudly display what kind of friend you are. If you share the quiz and the Wine with Friends app with a few friends, we’ll also send you a free t-shirt! We launched this quiz in person at a Napa valley wine conference with great success. At the beginning of the day, no one had any clue what the Wine with Friends app was. By the middle of the day, the crowd was filled with people sporting our shirts and stickers and our booth was swarmed with visitors wanting to find out what type of friend they were (and no doubt acquire a free shirt). By the close of the conference, we’d completely run out of shirts and stickers and knew the campaign was a hit.

“By midday, the crowd was filled with people sporting our shirts and stickers, and our booth was swarmed with visitors wanting to find out what kind of friend they were.”
– Jeni’s Ice Cream

Where do I start?

For more than 20 years, we’ve helped build hundreds of eCommerce ventures and generated billions in revenue. Our Tennessee heritage brings a down-to-earth, yet innovative perspective to every project. If you’re committed to growing a thriving business and think we could be the right fit, let’s connect.