The Top Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website That Work TODAY

There are a lot of ways to drive traffic to your site, but many of them are a long game (like SEO or word of mouth). So how can you drive traffic today?

Well, simply put, you have to pay for it. This is the easiest and most effective way to drive a predictable flow of traffic to your website each and every day; a predictable flow that that has a purchase intent (if done correctly). If you are a new business, this is an absolute must.

What channels should you explore for paid traffic?

The possibilities are endless, but here are 3 channels that you absolutely must have in your marketing mix.

  • Google Adwords
  • Facebook Ads
  • Retargeting Ads

From there, expand to other paid search, social media advertising platforms, and display ads.

How much should you be spending?

This depends entirely on how much traffic you want to drive and what your ROI is. But here are our best practices for using paid channels to drive qualified traffic that will be valuable for your business.

Paid Advertising Best Practices

1) Intentional Targeting

Make sure you have an experienced professional buying your paid traffic. Experience is important in this field. You need someone that not only has an excellent understanding of your customer base, but also that understands how all of the different paid (and organic) channels play together. Targeting (and messaging) will need to be different depending on the ad and channel. It will vary vastly between new traffic, retargeting ads, google shopping ads, social ads, display ads, etc.

2) Reliable Data

It is essential that you have reliable analytics in place before you start paying for traffic. It is the only way to ensure that you are getting value out of your paid strategy. If you can’t see what customers are converting from which ads, there is no way to know whether or not your paid marketing is effective, and what channels are driving the most revenue.

3) Constant Monitoring

You should be monitoring all of your campaigns constantly to adjust ad spend, kill ads that are ineffective, and develop new ads or messaging to replace them.

4) Experienced Expectations

What do we mean by experienced expectations? Well, first you need to have a clear strategy for your paid marketing. But then you need to have realistic expectations of how your ads will perform across the different channels and this only comes with experience. When you first start paid advertising, you will lose money. And this is ok. But you need someone with experienced expectations to know how long it is ok to lose money before campaigns become profitable and to know when to kill them. An inexperienced professional will likely either turn off ads too son if they are losing money or let them run too long.

5) Constant Optimization

A step further than constant monitoring, you need to be constantly optimizing your campaigns in terms of the ad creative itself as well as your marketing landing pages.

Other Traffic Driving Methods to Focus On

Now, driving traffic is not that simple. In conjunction with paid ads, you also need to be putting effort into other longer-lead traffic driving methods, as they all work together in the end.

Here are the a few other traffic driving methods to focus on other than paid channels.

  • SEO (Organic)
  • Content (Organic)
  • Social (Organic)

Looking to drive consistent qualified traffic to your site?

Get in touch with us