Want to know how to make your product stand out?
Many ecommerce businesses struggle to demonstrate their unique value. Usually, it’s for one of four reasons:
1. They say too little.
Offering a broad value proposition with unspecific features or benefits is no longer enough.
We all remember the corporate mission statements of the ’90s, when every company promised to deliver “value” to its clients. In today’s information age, shallow statements like this don’t hold any clout in consumers’ eyes.
You must say more to communicate your value to your target audience and make your product stand out.
2. They say too much.
Other ecommerce companies suffer from the opposite problem. They overwhelm their clients with in-depth information on every product feature to exhaustion.
If you want to make your product stand out, focus on the problem your product solves, not its features.
3. They’re blinded by their product.
If your product blinds you, you likely don’t think you have any competitors.
You think your product is so unique and otherworldly that you don’t need to “differentiate.” You are so different that you don’t consider competitors or substitutes.
This couldn’t be further from the truth. There are always alternatives to your product or solution. Give your competitors some thought and respect.
4. They aren’t targeted.
Some companies claim their product is for everyone. It isn’t.
Pick a customer and target their specific needs and pain points. You can’t be everything to everyone. Targeting a particular audience is crucial in learning how to make your product stand out.
So, what does differentiate your product?
It’s All About Your Brand
In the past, differentiating on product alone may have worked. But today, product is too easily and too quickly copied.
Yes, imitation is the greatest form of flattery. If people knock off your product, you’re doing something right — but it also creates a considerable challenge.
There’s a huge downside to being an industry’s market leader or pioneer. Look at Yeti, which started as a premium cooler brand with an unparalleled product. RTIC copied their product and offered it at half the price.
(RTIC had to back off on its rip-off because of a lawsuit, but you get the point.)
Remember TiVo? Their ability to pause and rewind live TV revolutionized how people watch television. But TiVo was displaced when cable companies provided the same function at a lower cost.
So, what are shoppers really looking for from an ecommerce store?
When shopping, customers are looking to solve a pain point. They don’t always know what they need. They just know their pain.
As Henry Ford said, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” And we wouldn’t have the automobile.
It’s up to you to tell your customers how your brand will improve their lives. This will set you apart and help you understand how to make your product stand out.
Your product can never be your barrier to entry. Your differentiator isn’t your product — your brand is. This is what keeps customers coming back, even when the competition matches your product.
They can copy your product, but they can’t copy your brand, and they can’t replace the relationship you have with your customers.
Building a strong brand is the ultimate answer to how to make your product stand out.