Sell While You Sleep with Ecommerce Automated Email Sequences (Part 4)

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Automated email sequences are a crucial component of building a successful ecommerce machine, yet most brands are not using them to their full potential. It’s one of the most commonly overlooked pieces of an email marketing program; and it’s also the piece most likely to make money while you sleep. Now, this is NOT where […]

Ecommerce Email Domination: How to Measure Success (Part 2)

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“What gets measured, gets managed.” – Peter Drucker Did you know these wise words from Peter Drucker apply to your ecommerce email strategy? There is no way to create a profitable email program without being able to measure the effectiveness of everything you create and send. That is why the first step of ecommerce email […]

The Ultimate Guide to Ecommerce Email Domination: Series Intro (Part 1)

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As a marketing channel, email has been through more cycles than most. It’s gone from thriving to being claimed “dead” and then brought back to life again. The truth is, email is not dead and it’s not going anywhere until there is a proper replacement. And no, that replacement is not Facebook Messenger or text […]

10 Things You Must Do Before Marketing Your Product

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Launching a new marketing initiative is no easy task, and it’s easy to overlook important steps in the hustle of a big project. However, missing a step can be detrimental to your campaign. A little planning up front can mean the difference between losing money and making a great return. For that very reason, we’ve […]

Are Facebook & Instagram Ads Dead? How to Run Explosive Campaigns in 2019

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If you’ve been in the digital marketing scene awhile, you’re likely aware of the ever-changing industry landscape, especially for Facebook and Instagram. There is an increasing concern that these channels are producing less impressive results (or at least different results) than we’ve seen before. Some marketers have labeled it the adpocalypse, and their fear is […]

8 Email Marketing Tips to Make CTR and Open Rates Skyrocket

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In our work with brands of all sizes, without a doubt, email marketing (when done right) is by far the highest ROI marketing activity for any ecommerce brand. And as a nice benefit, it’s way more future proof than any other channel, because you control it and aren’t susceptible to algorithm changes (SEO, Facebook, Google […]

9 Easy Email Segmentation Strategies That Increase Conversions

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Updated: June 30, 2021 It’s no secret that the more personal and tailored you can get in your conversation with a customer, the more likely you are to build a relationship, and the more likely they are to buy your product. That’s how the best brands create meaningful relationships. But how do you do that […]

23 Effective Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers

23 Survey Questions to Ask Your Customers Hero Image

Today we’re diving into one of the most under-utilized methods of growing an ecommerce business. Are you ready for it? Talking to your customers. Surprisingly, many ecommerce companies rarely gather consistent legitimate feedback from their customers. We’re not talking about gathering social proof (which hopefully you are doing as well). We’re talking about raw, honest […]

The Real Opportunity During Holiday Buying Season (Hint: It’s Not Revenue)

The Real Opportunity During Holiday Buying Season Hero Image

If you’re an owner or worker inside of an ecommerce business, once October arrives the number one thing on your mind is preparing for Q4 – the holiday buying season. It’s that short time of year where buyer inhibitions are reduced to zero and consumers are spending like there’s no tomorrow. October is when most […]