The Metacake Formula for Success

Art + Science = Success We have found that success is created when there is a balance between art and science. A successful business is equal parts art (the emotional connection brands create with their audience) and science (the data analysis and conversion optimization that goes into converting your audience into customers). This is the […]

The Metacake Mission Explained

Our mission at Metacake is simple: to create experiences that matter to grow businesses that matter. Experiences That Matter What do we mean by experiences that matter? We mean experiences that truly impact businesses, their customers, or the world. Experiences that are high quality, that create an emotional connection with their audience, and that drive […]

How We Work: Behind The Scenes

You could call Metacake an agency…but we intentionally try to steer clear of this label. The Un-agency In fact, we like to call ourselves the “un-agency.” Why? It’s simple. Metacake exists to create great brands and help other businesses grow in healthy and quantifiable ways. The only way to do that in any predicable fashion […]

Real Estate Marketing Online: 5 Strategies For Accelerated Growth

Real Estate agents are known for their strong selling capabilities. They are great marketers. And they know how to create an amazing customer experience. Just think about it. You walk into an open house, the furniture and decorations are perfectly staged, it smells delightful, and there are fresh baked cookies in the oven. Tell me […]

5 Smart eCommerce Product Pages…And What You Can Learn from Them

We spend a lot of time analyzing and designing consumer product detail pages. You might think all product details are created equal, for the most part. A product image, basic details, the price and a buy now button and you’re set! Right? Well, those may be the essential elements, but if that is all you […]

How To Use eCommerce Reviews To Boost Your Revenue

Social proof sells better than you ever could. Don’t believe us? Just look at the success of the Three Wolf Moon t-shirt. Recognize this? Sales exploded for these t-shirts not because they are the best designed and most comfortable and flattering t-shirts in the world (although feel free to argue with us), but because the […]

7 Skills Ecommerce Companies Need in a Design Agency

As a growing ecommerce company, it can be hard to find a strong design agency to be your partner as you scale. Here are 7 skills that we’ve found to be crucial for success that you should look for in an ecommerce design agency…but might not expect. 1. Holistic View If you think design in […]

Do Things That Don’t Scale in Your Ecommerce Store

Wait…what? Things that don’t scale? Yes, that’s right. It may sound crazy, but hear us out. There is an obsession with scale in the online world. It’s one of the biggest reasons people get into ecommerce. Startups with fresh faced entrepreneurs dream of making it big, so obviously scale is at the forefront of their […]

Sorry, But Your Advertising is a Monumental Waste of Money

Ok, not all advertising is a monumental waste of money… …but if you have an ecommerce or lead-generating site with a poor sales funnel, you are wasting your money on social media ads (or any other kind of ads for that matter). Imagine it this way: You open a brand new physical retail store, buy […]