How to Avoid Buyer’s Remorse at the Wine Shop

Severe uncertainty would be a good way to describe the way I feel everytime I walk into my local wine shop. Why? Because, despite routinely asking for recommendations, I often walk away with a wine that I’m sure tastes good to someone in the world, but likely not me. “Red. Light? Fruity? No, maybe not […]

What is my Brand?

Your brand is not your logo. Or your website. Or your product. Or any other company asset. Your brand is something far deeper. It’s something that can be felt, but not entirely explained. It can be recognized, but isn’t always realized. Apple’s brand is not that beautiful Apple icon staring at you from the top […]

The Secret to Viral Book Marketing

Most online book campaigns revolve around a few key ingredients: Basic landing page with a large purchase button Promo video Incentives to share However, the one thing most campaigns overlook is the secret of taking a campaign viral. When Max Lucado and company invited us in on their recent launch of the book “You’ll Get […]

The Top 5 Ways to Avoid Getting Burned by a Web Developer

Bad code. Poor communication. Over-promising and under-delivering. These are just the usual suspects of why hiring someone to build you a website can be a risky ordeal. At Metacake, we spend a lot of time fixing bad code and remedying unmet expectations left behind by a former developer for our clients.  In fact, at least 40% of […]

3 Reasons Not To Charge By The Hour

Billing a client by the hour may seem to make the most sense to your bottom line profits. However, unbeknownst to many… It’s often the most destructive thing you can do to a project. Here are three reasons, of many, why we (at Metacake) have chosen to stay away from billing by the hour. 1. […]