5 Steps to Reach New Ecommerce Audiences with Facebook’s Hypertargeted Ads

Many ecommerce owners aren’t using Facebook ads today.

Everyone is aware of Facebook advertising, but many aren’t aware of all of its capabilities, and are often worried about conversion rates. Some even believe their customers are not on Facebook (especially for B2B companies).

However, on the contrary, we’d argue that your customers are on Facebook (…or at least some segment of them), even for B2B companies.  And with its powerful targeting capabilities, Facebook advertising is a great way to reach them. As for response rates, certainly not all Facebook ads are effective.

But with proper targeting, design, and messaging, they usually are.

Perhaps not all business require Facebook ads as a primary advertising channel, but if you are an ecommerce store, Facebook ads should certainly be one of your marketing channels.

In fact, Facebook’s advertising platform is taking over many other channels of marketing. because it allows you to create highly personalized messages to hypertargeted audiences.

You can segment your audience all the way down to one specific person if you wanted! …Although that’s probably a bit extreme. You get the point.

Win-Win Advertising

This is a win for the brand and a win for the customer.

Customer’s don’t hate advertising, they hate BAD and IRRELEVANT advertising. On the contrary, good and relevant ads are typically welcomed. If you identify your potential customers correctly, and sell them things that will actually make their lives better, the response will be positive (even if they don’t buy in the end).

In addition, just like regular Facebook comments and posts, Facebook ads gain social proof through shares, comments, and likes which is a really powerful combination. It helps your ads gain momentum.

We had one client created a Facebook ad that had over 10,000 shares and comments, driving a ton of business that the company didn’t even have to pay for.

So, here are 5 steps to use Facebook ads to reach new profitable ecommerce audiences.

Define your ICP

Figure out what your ideal customer profile (ICP) is.

Create multiple custom audiences around that ICP

Map those traits directly into targeting demographic, interests, location, language, etc within Facebook’s ad builder to create multiple segments that fit your target audience.

You want multiple targeting paths in order to experiment, figure out which audience responds best, and to tailor your message to each specific audience.

Create messaging

Write ads based on various traits, locations, etc that you have defined above. Use these traits as a guide to write your copy and tailor the benefits depending on the segment.

Optimize ads

Make sure the Facebook pixel has been installed on your site to track conversions and that Google Analytics is installed to track what’s working and what’s not working. Then adjust as needed.


You don’t want to reach people just once. The majority of the time it takes several touches to get customers to convert, so retargetting is key. One good way to do this is through dynamic product ads, displaying the actual items your individual visitors have viewed in the past or added to their cart.


Need help optimizing your Facebook advertising?

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