
A New Wave in Real Estate Technology

Zuzsa was born out of the need to bring real estate technology into the 21st Century.  The existing real estate listing technologies such as PropertyBase and MLS are antiquated and make it very difficult for real estate agents to present real property data on their own sites and mobile platforms.  And even if one does succeed in pulling in real property data, there are limited quality photos and videos, making it harder for agents to sell properties.  What’s more, it is nearly impossible to get data and analytics around the properties that your visitors are interested in and viewing.

So, we set out to make it possible for high end real estate clients to be able to not only integrate property data into their sites and mobile platforms, but do so in a way that is both beautiful and usable without limitations on design, functionality, or reporting and analytics.

Abigail Duhon

Duhon-GalleryNew Artist Launch

Abigail Duhon is an up and coming new artist that just released her 2nd album, Right Now.  She came to us with the need to rebrand herself as a relevant teen artist and help develop her presence, both online and off.

With an edgy sound that blends the sounds of dubstep, electronica, and hip hop, we needed to develop a brand for Abigail Duhon that was just as hard hitting and powerful as her music.

Once we had solidified her brand, we got to work on launching her brand and new album online and in stores.  This involved designing her album art, designing and developing her new website on WordPress, writing marketing copy and creating a retail one sheet for Right Now, and designing apparel for her upcoming tour.

Wine With Friends™ Quiz

What kind of friend are you?

Wine with Friends is a new social wine app featuring an innovative flavor wheel that allows users to easily describe each unique aspect of a wine they taste.  To launch this new app we were tasked with developing a fun and engaging viral social marketing campaign both on the web and in-person.

We created a quick and engaging psychological quiz that determines your wine personality type.  This quiz is both highly scientific and incredibly fun.  Based on your answers to a few behavioral questions, it determines, with extreme accuracy, what type of friend you are.   Are you the tipsy friend?  The bubbly friend?  Or are you one of the snobby, pushy, or bold friends?  Want to find out your wine-friend type?

G2 Wireless

Customized Enterprise Wireless Solutions

G2 Wireless is a company that provides a full suite of wireless services.  From enterprise wireless management to mobile device and device logistics management, G2 Wireless is your one stop shop for a comprehensive wireless program.  They even provide a complete digital help desk for their clients.

G2 Wireless came to us to redesign their online brand presence and organize their content to present clear and relevant information to both current clients as well as potential future clients. This involved a complete website redesign and rebuild using WordPress, setting up a custom accessories store on Shopify, and designing their self serve help desk platform that allows clients to have access to the most up to date information on any device issues or questions they might have.

Max Lucado Prayer Wall

PrayerWall-ArticleImageWhen Max Lucado and company invited us in on their recent launch for Max’s latest title, they had what many bring to the table: a need for traffic, an idea of how to get traffic, a timeline, and a strict budget.

24 hours after launch, Max’s book launch page had over 5,000 unique impressions and 1,000 engaged participants. We had created an online “prayer wall” for Max’s fans, where people from all over the world could post their needs, get prayer, and of course learn all about Max’s new book – which happened to be written for those working through various struggles. Now, as of 6 months after launch, the prayer wall has had 17,000 prayer requests posted, over 50,000 commitments for prayer, and attracted more than 100,000 visitors to learn more about Max’s book.

Together we took a rough idea and turned it into a viral engagement campaign that touched thousands of people.

Author Mandy Hale

Author Mandy Hale’s first book was about to hit shelves across the country.  While she had developed a large blog following as “the Single Woman,” her blog site was not ready for the increase in traffic that her book release and tour would create.  She came to us wanting a basic website that focused on her newly released book and prominently featured her successful blog.

After polishing up her brand “the Single Woman” we started the process of sketching and wireframing her new site experience. Our goal was to create a hub where all of her content could come together in a cohesive way.  We developed a custom branded twitter widget, integrated her blog with her email client, connected her apparel store, and set up a free giveaway for book purchasers to name a few things.  And did we mention the stunning visuals?  Who knew a site with so much pink could look so good?